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Femmes de l'Avenir / Women of the Future


Garde de champêtre (village policewoman)


3. police officer


9. sous-lieutenant


9. sous-lieutenant 


11. Student


13. Jockey


16. Journaliste


18. Doctor


20. Deputy / representative

Mlle. Reclus, a young (unmarried) woman living in Gironde, is the recipient of three cards in this series, from sender Laurence (#95 gendarme, #102 député, #94 garde champêtre). These letters were written in and dispatched from Bordeaux. It seems that this is one of the few correspondances sent, at least clearly, between a woman and a man, though the nature of their correspondance (aquaintances / friends, family, etc.) is unclear. Laurence seems to have hoped to attain and send the complete Women of the Future series, as mentioned in his message in card #102 (Député). 

The other recipients of the postcards in this series, most likely from other senders, are the following:

  • Mlle Jane Cauraille (1902), recipient (#96, 6. Sous-lieutenant)
  • Mlle Marie Louise Bourbouley (1902), recipient (#97, 6. Sous-lieutenant)
  • Mlle Louise Lapebrie (1903), recipient (#100, 16. Journaliste)
  • M. ---- Joseph Theodore, télégraphiste, recipient (Sylvia, sender) (#99, 13. Jockey)
  • Mlle Renée Gleu --- , (1902) (#101, 18. Doctor)

More on "Les femmes de l'avenir" series:

Femmes de l'Avenir / Women of the Future